Thursday 23 October 2008

Final Idea

The story is about a girl who's 16-18 years old. The film introduction starts off by showing this girl living in complete solitude in a deserted bunker/ dark room/ shed and hiding from the police. (I know it was a man before, but I couldn't think of anywhere to go with that. I have a new idea now.) The audience don't know yet why she is hiding from the police but this is revealed later in the film and she looks completely terrified. By the end of the introduction when the credits have finished the girl is running from this place where she's been hiding; she collapses from exhaustion and the scene blacks out. 
The film is basically about this girl and her fresh start, she has a new life but there's these old memories that she can't get away from. It turns out that she was abused by her dad from a young age, and ends up stabbing him with a knife in the kitchen. It's a really gory disgusting traumatizing death and the image of it flashes up sometimes in the film but not enough of it for the audience to know what happened. She has dreams every night that her dad is going to come after her, even though he's dead. The whole story isn't revealed until the end. 
Throughout the film she keeps imagining her dad being there and tormenting her, even though he's dead. Later on in the film she meets some new people, meets a man & falls in love etc but she can't tell him why she has nightmares every night. At the end of the film her dad appears - she's convinced that he's there and alive.  

Monday 20 October 2008


I finished filming and editing my preliminary, it's my 3rd attempt because the filming in the first was really bad and the second one got lost. The lighting isn't good but overall I think it's okay. 

Monday 13 October 2008

I have changed my first idea a bit, because it doesn't make sense that someone would lock themselves in a dark room for years then suddenly decide to escape. Also there isn't really any plot because I haven't decided on one yet. I need to think of a reason on why this man is living by himself in this room in the first place, aside from just paranoia. 
I've decided that he's committed a crime and is hiding from the police, but has only been in this room for about a week. The audience doesn't find out why he is hiding until later on in the film. There are police sirens in the background for a bit, and scenes of the crime keep flashing up. As he leaves the dark room/bunker that he's in he keeps looking back as if he's looking out for police or someone coming to get him. He keeps running and eventually collapses and the introduction blacks out.

First attempt at editing

I finally found my first attempt at editing a video... The filming isn't very good and it could've been longer with more camera angles but it was just a first attempt, and I had to cut quite a lot out.