Wednesday 26 November 2008

Tvezten Todorov's theory

Todorov's theory is that the fictional environment begins with a state of equilibrium (everything as it should be), but then suffers from some disruption (disequilibrium), & then the new equilibrium is restored at the end of the film.

1.A state of equilibrium (All is as it should be.) ---> outside the bunker when the audience doesn't know what's going on
2.A disruption of that order by an event. ---> when the audience realizes the bunker is a hiding place for someone who's run away from home...?
3.A recognition that the disorder has occurred. ---> the flashbacks of the knife & her father's silhouette appearing at the end of the tunnel
4.An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption. ---> her escaping the tunnel
5.A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium ---> starting her new life
...I don't know whether I was supposed to compare Todorov's theory to my whole film or just the introduction, but I think it works better for just the introduction.


In the beginning of the film the girl is going to be wearing old baggy clothes and her dad will be head to toe in black, because he's not really there he's just a figment of her imagination.

Monday 24 November 2008


Diegetic sound is sound which is made present by the action of the film for example the voices of characters, sounds made by objects and music represented as coming from instruments in the film. The diegetic sound in our film will be the sounds of the girl's father's footsteps, police sirens and muted voices in the flashbacks. 

Non-diegetic sound is sound whose source isn't visible on the screen and hasn't been implied to be present in the action for example the narrator's commentary, sound effects which are added for dramatic effect and mood music. The non-diegetic sound in our film will be the mood music and sound effects to show that the girl is having a flashback. 

We haven't decided on the music for the film yet but once the storyboard is put together it should be easier to decide.

Friday 21 November 2008


Roles for filming: 

Sophie: dolly shot down the pathway, & filming entrance of the bunker
Alice: down the tunnel, filming the girl sitting at the end of the tunnel. 
Sophie: films her as she starts to run out the tunnel
Alice: films the outside of the bunker again and the girl as she's running away.

New idea
We realised our old idea wasn't really going to work so we've changed it once again..!

To make it work, we've decided that the girl is hiding from the police. When she's in the bunker there are flashbacks of a knife & her being abused by her father.
She hears a noise, at the end of the corridor she sees the silhouette of a man, she thinks it's her father who she's hiding from & that's the reason why she runs out of the bunker. 
Actors: Louise Eden for the abused girl hiding in a bunker
              Jared Tomkins for her father/ father's silhouette 

Will put up pictures when Sophie's computer has been fixed so she can upload them.


Thursday 20 November 2008


Went to the bunker at La Pulente yesterday with Sophie to take photos. The outside is covered with graffiti so we might either spray over it with a grayish paint or just film the parts of the bunker without graffiti, however it probably doesn't really matter that much as the bunker is just where the girl's hiding and doesn't have to look untouched... I didn't realize how long and dark the tunnel was before we went yesterday, so we only managed to take photos half-way down it. When we're filming we will bring torches and candles to light it up. Sophie hasn't got a lead for her camera at the moment but we will upload the photos as soon as possible.. 

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Camera angles

Starts off with a dolly shot down the footpath
*insert photo of footpath*

Eye level shot of around the area; sea, trees, grass, bushes etc
*insert photo of surroundings*

Long shot of bunker
*insert photo of bunker*

Eye level shot of bunker entrance 
*insert photo of bunker entrance & a couple of down the tunnel*

Dolly shot down the tunnel
*insert photo of tunnel*

Me and Sophie are going to the bunker this afternoon & will upload the photos tomorrow once we've taken them..

Friday 14 November 2008

To-do list!

Storyboard - half way through, need to finish drawing, colour in & scan on to iMovie
Photos - will be up by 19th, taking them this afternoon. 

Thursday 6 November 2008

I've edited my storyline a bit more and I'm now working with Sophie because we work well together and both have some good ideas for the film. 

Tuesday 4 November 2008


I've decided to use a friend of mine Louise Eden to act the part of the girl because she's a good actress. She's the same girl who's in my first attempt at editing. 


I have found the perfect location for my video, it's an open bunker at La Pulente in St Ouens on a cliff top and is quite deserted. There is a really long dark tunnel and I've decided that the girl is going to be sitting right at the end of the tunnel, because it would be really interesting and creepy if there were camera shots down the tunnel. I have taken photos but they're on a disposable camera which I need to get developed. If I can't get them developed in time I could borrow a friend's digital camera and take photos on that instead...

Rucksack, torch, a few empty cans of food and an empty water bottle. The rucksack and empty cans of food are to show that she's run away from home.