Thursday 30 April 2009

So far...

I don’t think we have enough time to do the scratchy title effects, like in the film Seven, because it is so time-consuming. If we had more time we would’ve definitely done it because it would suit out film introduction. The intro so far has been edited, however we need to add a voiceover, some music and a few more close-up shots of Louise. We will film those in the dark room with a blue light to avoid the long journey to La Pulente. I think the biggest flaw in our construction was placing the location so far out, as it created a lot of problems with getting lifts there and back.

Sophie and I have written a shot paragraph of what Louise will say for the voice-over. It will be non-diegetic and hopefully we can add some echo sound-effects to make it less comprehensible, as the emphasis is not on what she is saying but the tone of her voice.