Thursday 18 September 2008


I watched the film Mulholland Drive by a director called David Lynch and found parts of it inspiring for my film. It is the story of a young woman who moves to Hollywood aspiring to be famous, but gradually realizes how corrupt Hollywood is. Her life goes downhill and she ends up going insane and killing herself. The film is a lot more complicated and confusing than that but that is the main plot. The part where she goes mad is really chilling and disturbing, I'd like to make my introduction a bit like that, except instead of killing himself the man manages to escape. 
This is the ending of Mulholland Drive..

Another film I watched is called the Twelve Monkeys and at first I thought it wouldn't be any use at all to my film but after watching half of it I found a few filming techniques that I like. The film is set in a mental asylum and the camera angles are taken from diagonals sometimes which gives a really weird interesting atmosphere. This type of shot is called an Oblique/Canted Angle and is used to suggest imbalance, transition and instability. I'm going to use a couple of these shots at the beginning of my film intro.

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